Mass of the Holy Face

The text for the Mass can be inserted into the Roman Missal. The Sacred Congregation of Rites under Pope St. Pius X granted permission for the Mass of the Holy Face in the Decreta, vol. 1910, p. 189a. On April 17th, 1958, Ven. Pope Pius XII extended the devotion by approving the observance of the Feast of the Holy Face on Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). Priests may attach it to their Roman Missal. Lay should ask their priests to say this Mass and give them a copy of the Mass. Click below to get it. Red vestments are worn.

Missa de Passione D.N.J.C

Chants for the Holy Face Mass are taken from Missa de Passion D. N. J. C.


These continued chants are found in the Gradual Romanum.


The prayers are chanted by the priest, in the normal chants. They are found in the text.